03-02-21 West Building Resources Flipbook

Truck Staging Information

For planning purposes, the OCCC has a few different exterior locations that can be used for temporary vehicle and/or aircraft staging. The use of these locations will be dependent on other client activity within the building, as well as pre-approval by the OCCC Event Management.

Wall Protection

The OCCC maintains consistent enforcement of the facility protection policies, including wall protection. The OCCC Event Management section must approve in advance the location of special decorations, banners or signage. Decorations, signage, banners, etc. may not be taped, nailed, tacked, stapled or otherwise fastened to ceilings, walls, and doors, windows, painted surfaces or columns. The OCCC reserves the right to remove any unauthorized decorations, signage or banners should they be improperly attached to the building, in the manner previously described above. Adhesive-backed (stick-on) decals or similar items (except nametags) are not permitted in the OCCC and may not be distributed within the facility. Any costs incurred by the OCCC for the removal of these items will be charged to Lessee.

The OCCC Rigging section must install all custom signage that requires attachment to the building or the building infrastructure, (catwalks, handrails, balconies, etc.), in any way.

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