03-02-21 West Building Resources Flipbook

Tape used on exhibit hall floors must be low residue resistant carpet tape (Polyken 105C or Renfrew #174) and low residue safety tape (Asiachem SST-736 or approved equivalent). All tape must be removed from the floor and disposed of immediately after the event.

Any costs incurred by the OCCC for the removal of tape and tape residue not removed by Lessee will be charged to Lessee at the prevailing rate.

Tape used on exhibit hall floors must be low residue resistant carpet tape (Polyken 105C or Renfrew #174) and low residue safety tape (Asiachem SST-736 or approved equivalent). All tape must be removed from the floor and disposed of immediately after the event.

Trash Removal

The OCCC provides custodial service for the following spaces before, during and after an event at no additional cost to the Lessee:

• All public areas

• Restrooms

• Meeting Rooms

The OCCC will clean the following areas on show days only at no cost to the Lessee:

• Non-carpeted food service areas

The Lessee is responsible for cleaning/trash removal in the following locations:

• Registration Areas

• Show Offices (when built on exhibit hall floors)

• Exhibit Booths

• Exhibit hall(s) prior to carpet installation

• All show-installed carpeted areas in a meeting room

• All carpet installed for an event, including aisles, booths, food service areas, and staging

• Special effect items (e.g., glitter, confetti, balloon drops, etc.) or cleanup of these special effect items by OCCC Environmental Services staff will be charged to Lessee at the prevailing rate

• All general contractor installed waste receptacles

The Lessee is responsible for returning the space to its original condition at the conclusion of the term of the lease. Any applicable charges may apply if cleanup is not complete.

The OCCC Environmental Fee will cover trash hauls, recycling, and food disposal. This fee will be calculated at the rate of $.01 of the gross exhibit hall square footage (350,000 gsf x .01 = $3,500) Trash hauls will no longer be billed on an individual basis. Environmental Fee will cover all hauls.

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