03-02-21 West Building Resources Flipbook

Loading Dock Information

The OCCC has three main dock/freight access areas:

• The West Dock, of the West Building

• The North Dock, North side of the North-South Building

• The South Dock, South side of the North-South Building

A security checkpoint is in place at both the North-South and West Buildings for all freight trucks entering and requesting dock access.

Listed below is a brief summary of information concerning dock move- in/out.

Car Parking on Dock Ramps – Permitted per Dock Officer approval during show move-in/out only. Under no circumstances will cars be allowed to remain parked on dock ramps during exhibit hall guest activity (show hours). Empty Freight Containers – Empty freight containers can be temporarily stored on the docks (temporarily) provided that they are kept within the confines of the yellow striped areas and do not exceed height restrictions on dock apron. Blue striped areas are reserved for OCCC storage and red striped areas are designated as OCFR Department safety zones and must remain clear at all times.

Personally Owned Vehicle Information – Personally owned vehicles (POV) often require additional advance planning for move-in/out coordination.

Rolling Open of Dock Doors – The OCCC Dock Officer will roll open dock doors per Lessee’s show activity, only when it has been confirmed that Lessee’s contracted security provider is in place to guard the appropriate dock door.

The Security Division, via the Dock Officers, is responsible for overseeing all access to OCCC freight dock areas.

West Loading Dock Specific Information The loading docks for the West Building are located on the ground level and can be accessed via the rear of the West exhibit halls. They are open air and exposed to minimal environmental conditions. After a preliminary OCCC Security checkpoint, freight trucks can access the dock basin to unload freight directly into the Lessee’s exhibit hall.

West Hall A:

West Halls D, E:

16 Truck Bays (variable dimensions); 4 Ramps

48 Truck Bays (variable dimensions); 5 Ramps

West Halls B, C:

Additional Access:

33 Truck Bays (variable dimensions); 4 Ramps

WE2 Ground Level Freight Entry (30’W x 30’H)

WF1 Ground Level Freight Entry (10’W x 13’H)

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