03-02-21 West Building Resources Flipbook
Events – Open to the Public
The OCCC books events that are open to the public within twelve months of the event. While planning for a public (non-trade show) event, it may be necessary to coordinate a few additional logistical details, depending on the nature of the public event. Examples of public ticketed events are dance recitals and competitions, cheerleading competitions, automobile shows, boat shows, graduation ceremonies, basketball tournaments, volleyball tournaments, and other related shows specifically geared for general public admission. The event program and details must be communicated in writing to your OCCC Event Manager at least 2-6 months in advance of the event’s first move-in day. Specific event schedule information must be submitted to the Event Management section at least twenty-one (21) days in advance of the activity in order to coordinate various support services, such as Transportation and Security. All OCCC equipment and service orders received prior to twenty-one (21) days before the first move-in day are also eligible for the incentive rate.
Your Event Manager is available to provide informational assistance for event specific signage requirements and to provide guidance to maximize sign placement throughout the facility.
Lessee must submit to the Event Manager a draft copy of advertising information referencing the OCCC to include the building location, parking fee and dates prior to advertising to the public or on Lessee website.
Advertising is not permitted without a fully executed lease and approval by the Event Manager.
Be sure to include the appropriate building location and building photography, West Building or North- South Building, for all advertising and directional show information on the event website.
For events that only take place on the North side of the North-South Building, please use “North Concourse” when identifying the show location.
For events that only take place on the South side of the North-South Building, please use “South Concourse” when identifying the show location.
Raffles, Lotteries, and Games of Chance
Florida State Statutes regulate raffles, lotteries, and various games of chance.
See www.myfloridahouse.gov or www.leg.state.fl.us for additional information regarding Statute #849.0935 addressing non-profit organizations and drawings of chance, and Statute #849.094 addressing drawings of chance by business organizations.
Also refer to the Department of Business and Professional Regulations with the State of Florida at www.myflorida.com for more information.
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