03-02-21 West Building Resources Flipbook

• North Concourse near Room N210A of the North-South Building

• South Concourse near Room S210A of the North-South Building

Aircraft Display Guidelines

Aircraft and helicopter exhibitors must contact the Orange County Fire Rescue (OCFR) Department Fire Marshal in advance via EM, prior to hall move-in, to discuss all aircraft/helicopter specifications and the appropriate minimum fuel guidelines that will apply to each exhibit.

In order for the OCCC to provide a safe and secure show environment for your guests, we have included the following Aircraft Display Guidelines, in accordance with OCFR Department:

1. Batteries will be disconnected and terminals taped before entering the facility. Circuit breakers for fuel and starting systems will be de-activated. All systems that could functionally operate (create ignition) to the aircraft must be disconnected.

2. Fuel caps and fuel vents will be sealed (taped) and/or locked.

3. A minimum of a 4A 60-BC fire extinguisher, with a current inspection tag, should be available in close proximity to each aircraft. The fire extinguisher is to be brought in by the Lessee and/or their designee, as the OCCC will not provide or rent fire extinguishers.

4. Aircraft shall be cooled down in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

5. Aircraft fuel systems will be shut off and verified that there is no fuel leakage or seepage.

6. Aircrafts that fly in must do so based on the manufacturer’s recommended minimum safe flying fluid levels.

7. Fueling of defueling of aircraft on property is prohibited.

8. Lessee is responsible for providing a Spill Clean-Up Kit, available in the exhibition hall, in the event of a fuel spill.

9. Lessee is responsible for ordering fire truck stand-by on aircrafts that fly direct to, or depart from the OCCC.

Fire Watch Requirements for Aircraft Displays

A fire watch will be required in the exhibition hall on show days only. The number of personnel requested will be determined based on the number of aircraft in the exhibit/hall.

Please refer to the OCFR - Fire Watch section in this Event Planning Guide for more details regarding Fire Watch.

It is recommended, though not required, that aircraft being trucked into the OCCC have their fuel tank system purged prior to arrival.

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