03-02-21 West Building Resources Flipbook
Owned and operated by Orange County Government, the mission of the Orange County Convention Center (OCCC) is economic development. By hosting regional, national and international conventions, meetings and tradeshows, the OCCC infuses the local economy with new money and helps expand business opportunities. The mission of our staff is to provide outstanding service to all clients, attendees and exhibitors, to encourage desire to return and to enhance the community’s reputation for excellence. Our Marketing and Communications Division is committed to providing unparalleled public relations assistance for your event. The OCCC has developed relationships with local, regional and trade media and can help you pinpoint a targeted demographic to ensure your message is received. Our staff can also assist with additional marketing resources to o Proclamation from Orange County’s Mayor for first-time events or milestones o Welcome letter from Orange County’s Mayor for event attendees o Engagement with Orange County’s Mayor to welcome your attendees o Open your event via a ribbon cutting ceremony • Convention Center logos, images and b-roll • Video messages to help promote exhibitors or attendees • Integrated event promotion through social media including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn • Ambassadors to meet, greet and assist with directions • Creation of a press release, media advisory or news story including distribution to our extensive local, regional and trade media lists • Coordination and delivery of media drops to local media • Custom exhibitor services brochure for pre-promotion • Gold Key and Service partners brochures for pre-promotion • Rosen School of Hospitality students to assist on projects • Sustainability Coordinator to assist with speakers, tours, donations and post-event energy reports • Representatives from our Orlando Economic Partnership Let’s Connect Please speak with your OCCC Sales Manager or Event Manager about the services you are interested in and a marketing representative will contact you. For more information, please contact the OCCC Marketing and Communications Division. Nadia Vanderhoof, MA Katarina Dos Santos Marketing and Communications Manager Marketing and Communications Assistant Manager Direct: 407-685-5831 | Mobile: 407-616-7316 Direct: 407-685-5796 | Mobile: 407-865-4031 Email: Nadia.Vanderhoof@occc.net Katarina.DosSantos@occc.net contribute to promoting your event. The following resources are available: • From our Mayor’s office: o Provide educational session speakers o Relocation and real estate services
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